An Open Letter to Our Good Fighting Clients

Brothers and Sisters,
2017 marked the beginning of Sparrow Health & Performance. That in itself has been an incredible milestone for us. As we conclude 2017 and approach this new year, I think back to what a mentor once told me and its meaning to me:
“It is all about the journey.”
As I sit writing this in my small hometown of Albertville, Alabama, I think back to that phrase, how my journey started, and am reminded of its truth. For quite a while I searched for a mantra of my own in my personal path to health. Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease at 16 and questioning if I would ever recover from what doctors deemed incurable, I was in need of a reminder that the Lord had bigger fish for me to fry.
I began to pray, “Lord if it be your will for me to go uncured, let at least one person benefit from me going through this.”. Things were not magically easier and I still sought healing for years in every outlet I could find. Many mornings I was brought to my knees after no results, worsened symptoms, or just out of weariness in the bathroom down the hall from where I am sitting.
I know I do not stand alone in those experiences. It is the hardest to see light when it seems all we can see is darkness. As I look back and see how the Lord healed me and continues to, I can see how every bit of it served a purpose. If it was not for my physical health, it was for the health of my heart, my character, or maybe even for you.
I would be lying if I said starting Sparrow has been easy or if I never questioned what I was doing. In many ways, there have been times I feel just as clueless as I did on my journey to better health and have had to continually pray for God’s guidance. One thing that has been evident is that Sparrow is an answer to the prayer I prayed in desperation many years ago. We opened Sparrow to share all we have been blessed with, to educate, to prayerfully be an avenue to better health and performance. It is not that we claim to know or cure everything, but we choose to fight beside you in anything.
We are far from your traditional medical clinic and we are proud of that. To me, Sparrow is more than a company, clinic, or bundle of services… It is a story of how there is a bigger fight out there and how it truly is all about the journey. It is a story about the Lord healing a broken 16-year-old in small town USA with an incurable disease to later spur the creation of a company that desires to serve and better lives.
Many of you have joined our bigger fight and allowed us to join your journey. For that, we are humbled and honored. Hearing different stories have made my soul rejoice as many other journeys are benefiting from the Lord making use of what I once thought to be my worst days. I believe this is just the beginning for Sparrow to serve as a conduit to a better life.
As we go into the new year, let us all be reminded our journey serves a purpose no matter how dark the present may seem. Keep fighting the good fight in sickness and health. You do not have to walk perfect or always be strong but keep walking in faith… The journey will prove to be worth it and He has bigger fish for you to fry. He is a master of turning beauty out of brokenness.
The best days are ahead. It is all about the journey and we hope we can walk it with you.
Wishing you the best of health & performance in 2018 and in years to come,

Will Siskey & the Sparrow Family