custom & combo panels available
Testing & Panels
● Tests including heavy metals, glyphosphate, mold, environmental toxins, nutrition, vitamins and even genetics
● Blood, hair, serum, stool, & urine
● Personalized & customizable
Allergies & Bacteria
Type one, or “classic”, allergy causes redness, swelling, and heat in the body as a result of the elevated blood levels of Immunoglobulin E (IgE). Contrary to popular belief, the symptoms produced by IgE can be subtle and similar to those seen in other conditions. This potential confusion makes diagnostic testing very important in recognizing the offending source. The Advanced IgE Test broadens the scope of test foods and/or inhalants, including Thimerosal and Candida.
Recommended for Patients With
Acne, Eczema, Rashes
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Infections
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Movement Disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Tic Disorders / Tourette’s Syndrome
Type one, or “classic”, allergy causes redness, swelling, and heat in the body as a result of the elevated blood levels of Immunoglobulin E (IgE). Contrary to popular belief, the symptoms produced by IgE can be subtle and similar to those seen in other conditions. This potential confusion makes diagnostic testing very important in recognizing the offending source. The Advanced IgE Test broadens the scope of tested foods and/or inhalants, including Amoxicillin and Candida.
Recommended for Patients With
Acne, Eczema, Rashes
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Infections
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Movement Disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Tic Disorders / Tourette’s Syndrome
IgG Food MAP measures 190 foods, plus Candida albicans and yeast. Individuals with neurological, gastrointestinal, movement, and behavioral disorders often suffer from IgG food sensitivities. People may continue to eat offending foods unaware of their potential adverse effects. Symptoms associated with food sensitivities may occur hours or days after the offending food was eaten because IgG food antibodies remain for a much longer time than IgE antibodies. IgE food allergy causes the release of histamine, producing an immediate hypersensitivity reaction. In contrast, IgG food sensitivity is triggered by the binding of complement to IgG food antigen complexes, causing an inflammatory response. This is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction in which symptoms appear anywhere from hours to days after eating the offending food. Elimination of IgG-positive foods may improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, AD(H)D, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and epilepsy, according to numerous clinical studies.
The clinical significance of IgG food testing was illustrated in an early article published by an otolaryngologist who reported that the majority of his patients had substantial health improvements after eliminating foods found positive by IgG food allergy testing. The study demonstrated a 71% success rate for all symptoms, achieving at least a 75% relief. Of particular interest was the group of patients with chronic, disabling symptoms, unresponsive to other intensive treatments. Symptoms most commonly improved (75%-100%) on the elimination diets included asthma, coughing, ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, headaches, gas, bloating, diarrhea, skin rash and itching, and nasal congestion. The most common IgG food allergies were to cow’s milk, garlic, mustard,
egg yolk, tea, and chocolate. A recent study reported that 93% of non-celiac, gluten-sensitive patients showed anti-gliadin
IgG antibody disappearance after a six-month adherence to a gluten-free diet. The IgG disappearance was closely related to a significant improvement of both gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms.
High IgG antibody levels have frequently been found in children with diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and in those considered to be obese. IgG food test results are often used to develop food antibody-guided exclusion/elimination diets. The implementation of such diets has been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with non-celiac gluten sensitivity and food sensitivity-induced atopic conditions, reduce the frequency of migraine headaches, decrease the occurrence of diarrhea, decrease failure-to-thrive among children with cystic fibrosis, reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, improve rectal compliance, decrease stool frequency in Crohn’s disease, prevent seizures and hyperkinetic behavior in children with epilepsy, and ameliorate kidney function in glomerulonephritis. Food elimination diets
also hold promise for the improvement of behaviors associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
This profile screens for the two most common antibodies against streptococcus, DNase antibodies in serum (ADB); antistreptolysin O titer (ASO). These antibodies may cross-react with brain tissue causing abnormal behaviors. Both of these tests are performed to identify a previous infection of group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus. These infections cause rheumatic fever or a kidney disease called glomerulonephritis, poststreptococcal versions of these diseases, as well as scarlet fever.
Recently, high titers of these antibodies have been associated with PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infections) and with autism, Tourette syndrome, tic disorder, Parkinson's disease, and OCD.
Group A β-hemolytic streptococci (GABHS) infections can cause several immune-mediated diseases. Rheumatic fever (RF), primarily a childhood disease, is a classic example of a complication resulting from a GABHS infection. RF is an inflammatory disease of the heart, joints, and central nervous system that occurs two to three weeks after a GABHS infection. Antibodies that formed against the GABHS organisms cross-react with normal human tissues, causing heart valve damage, inflamed joints and neurological disorders. Sydenham's Chorea, characterized by uncontrolled movements of the face, hands, and feet is a common neurological disorder seen in rheumatic fever caused by the cross reactivity of antibodies with brain tissue. These movements are strikingly similar to motor tics, and many patients also display phonic tics, OCD, and ADHD. This observation, along with reports of sudden-onset tics and psychiatric disorders following an outbreak of GABHS in Rhode Island in the early 1990's, lead to a new diagnostic subcategory of Tourette's syndrome called PANDAs. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections, or PANDAs, display episodic symptoms of Tourette's syndrome following streptococcal infections. There is often a recovery period as the GABHS antibodies reduce to normal. Helping the brain recover with nutrients may reduce vulnerability to further damage by the strep antibodies.
DNA & Genetic
Autophagy panel evaluates 11 gene variants for possible SNPs and complications. You may be feeding your body the correct nutrients, but they are useless if your body’s cells can’t absorb them properly. An Autophagy genetic test is one of the only ways to know whether your internal cellular recycling system is intact. Autophagy is necessary to maintain cellular health and assist in preventing the growth of malicious cells. The genetic testing can help you identify how your body works, as well as nutrients and supplements that would be specifically beneficial to you.
For patients who are overall healthy and desiring nutritional guidance,
have no significant family history of disease, have basic problems with
intestinal health and allergies or want a health plan, fitness regimen
or anti-aging program.
Comprehensive 7 Panel analyzes 7 areas of health hand selected by our experts and provides nutritional recommendations and health information based on
scientific validation of a patient’s specific needs in these key areas:
Methylation | Neurotransmitter Processing | Mitochondrial Function | Detoxification | Neuro-Inflammatory Potential | External Inflammatory Potential | Health Precautions
Children's Developmental Nutrigenomic Panel, 34 genes have been chosen by our experts to be analyzed for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms). The report, created by medical experts, will take the patient’s genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions based upon several factors and our clinical expertise.
Children's Developmental Panel Reports Analyzes These Key Areas: Neurotransmitters, Autophagy Consideration, Sugar Sensitivity, Methylation, Detoxification
Who needs this gene panel?
Spectrum disorders, Childhood attention disorders, Speech delay, Reading, writing, and counting/math trouble, Auditory disorders, Seizure related disorders
Joint Pain, Inflammatory bowels, Stomach Pain, Heightened Pain Response to Pressure, Headaches & Migraines, Feeling of Pins & Needles, Back Spasms, Unexplained Pain
Chronic Pain Nutrigenomic Panel, 21 gene variants have been chosen by experts to be analyzed for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in the areas of inflammation, detoxification, metabolism, and neurotransmitters. Through your DNA submission, our test is able to identify genetic inclinations towards uncontrolled inflammation, whether it be towards producing too much or lacking the ability to stop. Based off your results, a low inflammatory diet may be recommended to avoid contributing to the already problematic inflammation. Chemical toxification can occur through medications or even environmental toxins entering the body through food, water, and / or air. Many chronic pain sufferers turn to regular consumption of over the counter or prescribed medications to help relieve pain. Both environmental chemicals and chemicals in medications can harm the very cells intended to help the body repair itself, making detoxification and metabolism a crucial part of any chronic pain protocol. Lastly, the neurotransmitter and pain control section can speak to whether a patient is genetically inclined being more sensitive to pain because their nerves are under or over stimulated. Based off your results, a higher or lower dose of medications for pain control may be a lifestyle recommendation.
What Does The Chronic Pain Panel Cover?
Inflammation Markers, Chemical Detoxification Markers, Glutathione Metabolism, Neurotransmitters & How They Function
Detoxification Panel helps analyze and identify underlying contributing factors to weight loss problems, gut complications, auto-immune issues, fatigue, and detoxification issues. This panel currently focuses on specific gene variants (SNPs) that can play a significant role in a patient’s ability to control or resolve complications related to “detox” struggles. Genetic findings and interpretations through the analysis can help determine:
Inadequate glutathione absorption, metabolism & function. Poor defense against free radicals. Insufficiencies in the protective properties of antioxidants.
Weight issues are complex; Each body has a unique genetic makeup that can identify the best approach to achieve your ideal weight. While a nutritious diet and regular exercise routine are enough for some to stay healthy and trim, it may not be enough for others who are seeking optimal health in general. Our focus is to provide you with a customized path to weight control, weight maintenance and a healthy lifestyle. Confronting genetic shortcomings for diet, wellness, and beyond can help optimize a patient’s journey by placing less stress on their body during the process.
Who needs this panel? Patients who: Have made dietary improvements and are not seeing results .Want to target their supplementation using their DNA results. Desire weight management. Have cholesterol or sugar sensitivity issues. Want to address inflammation caused by dietary sources. Are experiencing confusion about which diet would work best for them.
Your body requires essential minerals and vitamins for every process and function. These nutrients work in symphony to grow, heal, repair and maintain your body’s cells, organs, systems, and skeleton. Vitamins are needed in varying amounts and some form key parts of structures such as red blood cells and bones. The Essential Vitamins panel will give you guidance via DNA analysis on what nutrients you may need due to genetic weaknesses.
Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency
An inadequate diet can sometimes lead to a vitamin deficiency. The symptoms of a vitamin deficiency can vary, depending on the vitamin that one is lacking. A vitamin deficiency can affect skin, hair, nails, mental function, blood, and neurological functions. Nausea, vomiting, muscle cramping, diarrhea and decreased immune system function are examples of a vitamin deficiency.
Importance of Taking Vitamin Supplements
A healthy diet will help you get the vitamins that you need. However, many people are still lacking the vitamins that they need despite the fact they are following a healthy diet. There are vitamins your body needs, and it can be hard to get them from diet alone. That is why it is a good idea to take vitamin supplements because it can help improve your overall health. Nutrigenomic testing helps to teach us about our bodies which is why the Essential Vitamins panel is so important.
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for vitamin deficiency may include some of the symptoms listed below. Symptoms can vary considerably depending on the vitamin involved and the severity of the deficiency.
Skin Symptoms, Blood Symptoms, Neurological Symptoms, Hair Symptoms, Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Bone Symptoms, Nail Symptoms, Mental Function Symptoms
Mood or Sleep Problems | Immune Challenges | Fatigue | Detoxification Weakness | Neurological Symptoms | MTHFR, MTRR, FOLR
For our Foundation/Methylation/Wellness Nutrigenomic Panel, 21 genes have been chosen by experts to be analyzed for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms). The report will take the patient’s genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions based upon SNP results and clinical expertise.
This panel will provide insight into the following:
-Folate and B12 Metabolism (including MTHFR gene mutation, FOLR1 gene mutation, VDR Taq gene mutation, SLC19A1 gene mutation, MTRR…)
-Mitochondrial Polymorphism
-Vitamin D transport
Who needs this gene panel?
Everyone Seeking Better Health and Nutritional Guidance, Anyone with Dopamine Deficiency Symptoms, Anyone with Serotonin Deficiency Symptoms, Mood Disorders, Chronic Fatigue, Neurological Symptoms, Immune Disorders, Detoxification, Weakness
Gastrointestinal Panel consists of gene variants (“SNPs”) that have been chosen by medical experts which play a significant role in the:
Break-down of Histamines found in food sources, Individual need for Probiotics, Gluten Sensitivities, Autophagy function in Immune Clearance of Intestinal Pathogens
The Gastrointestinal Panel is indicated for patients with:
Irritable Bowels, Chronic Constipation, Chronic Diarrhea, Intermittent Intestinal Pain, Abnormal Mast Cells, Chronic Reflux, Recurrent Intestinal Infection, Numerous Food Allergies
The Immune | Auto-Immune | Inflammatory Nutrigenomic Panel, 30 gene variants have been chosen by our experts to be analyzed for SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms).
WHO NEEDS THIS PANEL? THOSE WHO HAVE: Breathing Disorders, Chronic Infections, Skin Disorders, Joint Disorders, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Chronic Dry Eyes and/or Dry Mouth, Immune Disorders affecting Thyroid, Chronic Fatigue, Immune Weakness, & Any Auto-Immune Disease.
IMMUNE | AUTO-IMMUNE | INFLAMMATORY PANEL COVERS SNPs IN THE AREAS OF: Cellular Inflammation, Autophagy Consideration, Environmental Inflammation, Skin & Joint Glutathione Status.
The report, created by our medical experts, will take the patient’s genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions based upon many factors and their clinical expertise. The built-in proprietary software takes out the guess work and allows the provider to recommend the proper nutrition and health advisements safely by your DNA results.
The Men’s Health Panel consists of 15 gene variants (SNPs) that
have been chosen by medical experts which play a significant role
in: Testosterone Conversion and Breakdown, Estrogen Formation, Risk of Metabolic Weakness, & Risk of Hypertension
Hormonal and metabolic abnormalities in men can produce a
number of undesirable affects, such as weight gain, hair loss, fatigue,
decrease sex drive and mood disturbances. In many men, their genetic
inheritance has altered the way they process hormones such as
testosterone. Additionally, new evidence indicates that certain
treatable genetic differences can create a relative difficulty in
maintaining appropriate hormonal levels as we age. Replacing
testosterone has become commonplace in today’s medicine, however,
without knowing your genetic make-up, hormone replacement can be less
effective or, in some cases, potentially dangerous.
Conditions that indicate the possible need for hormone testing and a GX Sciences Men’s Health Panel include:
Fatigue, Weight Gain, Low Sex Drive, Carbohydrate Cravings, Male Pattern Baldness, Abnormal Breast Enlargement, Testicular Atrophy, High Blood Pressure, Trouble Sleeping, Loss of Strength, Slow Recovery, Currently taking Testosterone Supplementation
For our Neurological / Psych Nutrigenomic Panel, 27 gene
variants have been chosen by our experts to be analyzed for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms).
Who needs this panel?
Adult Concentration, Focus Issues, Headaches, Migraine, Cluster Seizure Disorders, Post Concussion Complications, Uncontrollable Repetitive Movements, Tics, Vertigo, Dizziness, Anxiety, Depression, Mood Issues, Memory Loss, Mental Deterioration, Vision Loss Associated with Retina Damage, Neuropathies, Neuralgias
The report, created by our medical experts, will take the patient’s genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions based upon many factors and their clinical expertise.
Neurotransmitter Panel, 8 gene variants have been chosen by experts to be analyzed for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms).
A neurotransmitter imbalance can cause or contribute to the following problems: Persistent sadness or loss of interest, Panic or fear states, Attention deficits and hyperactivity, Disorders associated with mood swings, Sleeplessness, Weight Issues, Hormone and Adrenal Dysfunction, Memory Issues, Migraines / Headaches
The issues that accompany an imbalance of inhibitory and excitatory
neurotransmitters can be exacerbated by specific genetic SNPs in neurotransmitter markers like COMT, MAO-A, MAO-B, GAB 12. Drugs (recreational and/or prescription), neurotoxins, stress, alcohol, poor diet, and caffeine can also fuel symptoms by encouraging these SNPs to further express themselves.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) / Concussion Panel consists of 24 gene variants (SNPs) that have been chosen by medical experts which play a significant role in the patient’s ability to maximize their recovery
potential following a head injury.
The TBI | Concussion Panel is indicated for patients with:
Traumatic Brain Injury, Post-Concussion Syndrome, Non-resolving Post Concussion Symptoms (ie Headache, visual changes, hyperacusis, etc.), Athletes in Sports with High Risk of Concussions, Patients with history of multiple Concussions, Concussion Prevention and Base-line Testing, Interpreting SNPs related to Traumatic Brain Injury
Can also help determine:
Cellular Inflammation potential (ability to resolve inflammation of the brain and sensory organs). Autophagy Consideration (ability for damaged nerves to clear intracellular debris and transport glucose). Glutathione Production and Efficacy for control of Neurological inflammation. Neurotransmitter breakdown and processing Folic Acid Methylation (converting folic acid to it’s functional form).
Personalizing Recommendations & Precautions to Aid TBI Recovery:
Indicated nutritional weaknesses and Precision Supplements made for the specific polymorphism, Lifestyle Recommendations and Health Precautions, Appropriate Laboratory Recommendations, Visual aids of biochemical pathways for patient education, Peer reviewed Bibliography to support findings
Women’s Health Panel consists of 23 gene variants (SNPs) chosen by medical experts which play a significant role in:
Risk Factors for Infertility, Risk of Metabolic Disease (hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, PCOS), MTHFR status and other key methylation SNPs, Delivery / Absorption / Conversion of Folic Acid and B12, Blood Clot Risk, Hormonal Production and Breakdown
Hormonal, metabolic and vitamin abnormalities in women can
produce a number of undesirable affects, such as weight gain, sleep
disturbances, infertility, fatigue, and mood disturbances. In some
women, hormonal issues with estrogen / progesterone balance and altered estrogen metabolism can lead to a higher risk of developing deep venous thrombosis, altered blood pressure and fluid balance, and increase the risk of hypertension. In some more severe cases, increase risk of cancer, miscarriage, placental separation, preeclampsia, and pulmonary
embolisms can occur.
Determining your risk of these issues is now much easier. Knowing your genetic predisposition allows you and your physician to help determine the proper course of nutrition, hormonal therapy risk and metabolic risk. It can also make you more aware of the signs and symptoms of a possible complications and potential life threatening issues.
Conditions that indicate the possible need for hormone testing and a Women’s Health Panel include: Irregular Menstrual Cycles, Weight Gain, History of Cystic Ovaries (PCOS), Decreased Fertility, Hair Loss, Recurring pre-menstrual breast tenderness, History of Miscarriage, Fibrocystic Breast, Excess facial or body hair, Post-Menopausal Hormone Replacement, Family History of Infertility or Miscarriage, Family history of Breast / Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer, Family History of Hypothyroidism, Family History of Obesity, Family History of Pre-eclampsia
For all that doesn't fit into a box. Email us at info@sparrowclinic.com to inquire for more.
Comprehensive Panel:
Provides an excellent snapshot of both the sex hormones and stress hormones. It aids in assessing male and female sexual dysfunction. It also illuminates how stress ma be interfering with the patients sex hormone balance.
Markers Tested: Estradiol (estrogen), Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, and Cortisol
Comprehensive Plus Panel (Women Only)
Assessment for major estrogens. Estradiol and estriols levels have been shown to be higher in women with greater risk of breast cancer and polycystic ovarian disease.
Markers Tested: estradiol (estrogen), estrone (estrogen), estriol (estrogen), progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol
Metals & Essential Elements
The Copper + Zinc Profile is an excellent way to determine immune status and the nutritional intake and/or absorption of zinc and copper. Zinc is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system. This essential trace element is required for the activity of over 300 enzymes and is involved in most major metabolic pathways. The immune system depends on zinc in almost every aspect. Zinc has an inverse relationship with copper in the body. This means that as zinc goes down, copper goes up and vice versa. Adequate copper levels are essential for the growth of new blood vessels, wound healing, and recovering from heart attacks and strokes. When levels are only slightly above normal physiological amounts, copper can be toxic. Any mild abnormality or impairment of liver function can lead to copper excess.
Assessment of zinc and copper sufficiency
Calculation of non-ceruloplasmin or free copper (potential oxidizing metal)
Determination of crucial copper/zinc ratio
Heavy metals toxicity caused by increasing levels of pollution and use of chemicals in industry is a growing threat to our health and development of our children. High levels of toxic metals deposited in body tissues and subsequently in the brain, may cause significant developmental and neurological damage.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency stated in a recent report that "...if hair samples are properly collected and cleaned, and analyzed by the best analytic methods, using standards and blanks as required, in a clean and reliable laboratory by experienced personnel, the data are reliable." (U.S.E.P.A. 600/4-79-049)
The CDC acknowledges that hair mercury levels provide a valuable maternal and infant marker for exposure to neurotoxic methylmercury from fish.
Whole blood element analysis is a diagnostic method that assists in determining deficiencies, excesses and imbalances of essential elements as well as recent or ongoing exposure to specific toxic elements. Whole blood analysis measures total element levels that circulate extracellularly (serum/plasma) as well as intracellularly (function within blood cells). Therefore, additional testing of blood fractions or other tissues may be necessary for differential diagnosis of specific imbalances, or to assess specific dysfunctions of assimilation, transport, retention or excretion of elements.
Assessment of element levels in whole blood is a valuable tool for identification of dietary adequacy, gastrointestinal, renal and endocrine functions, and excess or deficiency conditions. Additional testing of specific blood fractions or other tissues may be necessary to help identify the specific mechanisms responsible for abnormal levels of elements. Such mechanisms include dysfunctions in assimilation, transport, retention or excretion of elements. Whole blood or packed cell element analysis should be performed prior to and intermittently throughout the course of metal detoxification therapy. Such monitoring of essential element status is necessary to identify needs for, and effectiveness of, supplementation. Replacement and maintenance of adequate levels of essential nutrients can markedly reduce the apparent adverse "side effects" associated with the use of detoxification agents and the general effects of mobilization of toxic elements.
As for urine element analysis of toxic elements without provocation, blood analysis does not accurately reflect total body metal burden. For example, blood lead levels appear to peak 4 to 5 hours after exposure and then decrease exponentially with a half-life of about 27 days. Thus, levels of lead in blood are limited to detection of only very recent or ongoing exposure. The significance of accurately determining body lead burden is illustrated by recent research that clearly incriminates the adverse effects of very low levels of lead in learning and behavioral abnormalities. A safe level of lead in the body has not been determined.
Although low iron can lead to anemia, excess iron is equally important as a factor that can affect virtually every aspect of health. The most common cause of excess iron is a genetic disorder called hemochromatosis, which can affect people at any age. It has been diagnosed in newborns up to the very elderly. Pregnant women with hemochromatosis may lose developing children who may have inherited the disease. The disease is most frequently diagnosed in males over 50 since the iron deposition in the tissues accumulates slowly, but may occur in much younger men who take iron supplements or who eat large amounts of red meat.
Hemochromatosis causes the absorption of iron to be increased. Two common genetic SNPs for this exist and the high prevalence of individuals with two copies makes this the most common genetic disease in many countries.
Diseases Associated with Iron Excess
Diabetes mellitus
Liver cancer and other cancers
Bipolar depression
Friedreich ataxia (FA)
Kufor-Rakeb disease (KRD)
Cardiac insufficiency
Amyotrophic laterosclerosis
Alzheimer’s Disease
Autoimmune disease
FA2H-associated neurodegeneration (FAHN)
PLA2G6-associated neurodegeneration (PLAN)
Parkinson’s Disease
Immune suppression with increased infectious diseases
Pantothenate kinase-2-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN)
Heavy metals toxicity caused by increasing levels of pollution and use of chemicals in industry is a growing threat to our health and development of our children. High levels of toxic metals deposited in body tissues and subsequently in the brain, may cause significant developmental and neurological damage.
A Metals Hair Test is ideal for checking current exposure to toxic metals. Hair provides important information that can assist the practitioner with an early diagnosis of physiological disorders associated with aberrations in essential and toxic element metabolism.
Heavy metals toxicity caused by increasing levels of pollution and use of chemicals in industry is a growing threat to our health and development of our children. High levels of toxic metals deposited in body tissues and subsequently in the brain, may cause significant developmental and neurological damage.
Analysis of elements in feces provides indirect information about the potential for toxic metal burden. For many toxic metals, fecal (biliary) excretion is the primary natural route of elimination from the body. Fecal elemental analysis also provides a direct indication of dietary exposure to toxic metals. Specimen collection is convenient for the patient and only requires a single-step procedure.
Analysis of elements in feces provides a comprehensive evaluation of environmental exposure, potential for accumulation in the body (Hg), and possibly endogenous detoxification of potentially toxic metals. For many toxic elements such as mercury, cadmium, lead, antimony and uranium, biliary excretion into the feces is the primary natural route of elimination from the body.
Evidence for the extent of exposure to mercury from dental amalgams is provided by the fact that fecal mercury levels are highly correlated with the number of amalgams in the mouth. It is also clear that fecal mercury levels for people with dental amalgams are remarkably similar from day to day, and approximately ten times higher than in people who do not have mercury amalgams.
Administration of pharmaceutical metal binding agents results in excretion of toxic metals primarily through the kidneys into the urine. In contrast, support of natural detoxification processes enhances the rate of excretion of toxic metals into the feces. Elemental analysis of fecal specimens can provide a valuable tool to monitor the efficacy of natural detoxification of metals in infants or patients who are on very limited and defined diets that do not contain contaminated solid foods. A preliminary study performed at Doctor's Data indicates that biliary/fecal excretion of mercury and lead may be markedly enhanced following high dose intravenous administration of ascorbic acid. Other orthomolecular or nutraceutical protocols may also enhance the fecal excretion of metals and hence potentially decrease burden on the kidneys. Further research to identify and validate such therapies is warranted.
A primary objective of preventive medicine is avoidance or removal of exposure to toxic substances. The rate of oral absorption of toxic metals varies considerably among elements, and among subspecies of a particular element. Fecal elemental analysis can provide a direct indication of dietary exposure. Orally, the percent absorption of nickel, cadmium and lead is usually quite low, but varies significantly in part due to the relative abundance of antagonistic essential elements in the diet. That is particularly evident for lead and calcium, and cadmium and zinc. Chronic, low-level assimilation of the toxic metals can result in significant accumulation in the body. The results of fecal elemental analysis can help identify and eliminate dietary exposure to toxic metals.
Analysis of red blood cells provides the best diagnostic tool for assessing the status of elements that have important functions inside cells or on blood cell membranes. Blood cell element levels are useful for assessing cardiac influences, anti-inflammatory processes, anemia, immunological function, glucose tolerance and other disorders that are associated specifically with zinc deficiency.
The Red Blood Cell (RBC) Test is an invaluable diagnostic method for assessing insufficiency or excess of elements that have important functions within cells or on blood cell membranes. An important feature is that the cells are not washed, because this would result in partial loss of some important elements that bind to the plasma membrane, for example, calcium.
RBC element levels are very useful for assessing: cardiotonic influences (magnesium, potassium); anti-inflammatory processes (selenium, copper, zinc); anemia (copper, iron); immunological function (zinc, copper, magnesium), and glucose tolerance (chromium, manganese, and possibly vanadium). Disorders specifically associated with zinc deficiency are addressed by this analysis as well. These disorders include loss of visual acuity, dysgeusia, dermatitis and poor wound healing, alopecia, amino acid malabsorption, sexual impotence, decreased production of testosterone, depressed immune function, and negatively impacted growth.
Accurate assessment of essential element status is highly recommended for the determination of appropriate supplementation. The absorption, transport, and metabolism of essential elements is highly integrated and regulated. Inappropriate supplementation or dietary imbalance of elements can have significant adverse health effects. For example, excess intake of zinc or molybdenum can result in copper deficiency and, although essential, excess retention of manganese can have serious neurotoxic effects. RBC element analysis is also useful for the assessment of ongoing or very recent exposure to specific toxic elements that accumulate preferentially in erythrocytes. These toxic elements include arsenic, cadmium, lead, methylmercury and thallium. It is important to keep in mind that elevated levels of the toxic elements in these cells reflect only recent or ongoing exposure and do not provide information about the net retention of the metals in the body.
RBC element analysis should be performed prior to and intermittently throughout the course of detoxification/chelation therapy. Monitoring essential element status is necessary to identify needs for and effectiveness of supplementation. Replacement and maintenance of adequate levels of essential nutrients can markedly reduce the apparent adverse "side effects" associated with the use of detoxification agents, per se, and the general effects of mobilization of toxic elements. It is important to note that some diseases are associated with abnormal levels of blood cell elements that could be misleading with respect to nutritional status. For example, blood cell copper can be temporarily elevated during inflammatory response while liver levels are not.
Urine toxic and essential elements analysis is an invaluable tool for the assessment of retention of toxic metals in the body and the status of essential nutrient elements. Toxic metals do not have any useful physiological function, adversely affect almost every organ system, and disrupt the homeostasis of nutrient elements.
Porphyrins are generated as the body builds hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in blood cells. Porphyrin (from the Greek word for purple) is made up of four ring compounds joined together, a structure conducive to holding a metal ion in its center, iron in the heme porphyrin of hemoglobin and magnesium in chlorophyll. Small amounts of several porphyrins appear in urine normally. The relative amounts of each porphyrin are altered by certain hereditary diseases and by environmental or nutritional influences. The classic cases of hereditary porphyria displayed highly colored urine and skin eruptions and neurological symptoms of mania and “madness.”
Mold & Toxins
Glyphosate is the world’s most widely produced herbicide and is the primary toxic chemical in Roundup™, as well as in many other herbicides. In addition, it is a broad-spectrum herbicide that is used in more than 700 different products from agriculture and forestry to home use. Glyphosate was introduced in the 1970s to kill weeds by targeting the enzymes that produce the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine. The enzymes of many bacteria are also susceptible to inhibition by this chemical, thus altering the flora of many animals. Usage of glyphosate has since amplified, after the introduction of genetically modified (GMO) glyphosate-resistant crops that can grow well in the presence of this chemical in soil. In addition, toxicity of the surfactant commonly mixed with glyphosate, polyoxyethyleneamine (POEA), is greater than the toxicity of glyphosate alone (1). In addition, in 2014 Enlist Duo™, a herbicide product which contains a 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) salt and glyphosate, was approved for use in Canada and the U.S. for use on genetically modified soybeans and genetically modified maize, both of which were modified to be resistant to both 2,4-D and glyphosate. 2,4-D has many toxic effects of its own and can be measured in the GPL-TOX test.
We can also test water samples.
Every day, we are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals through products like pharmaceuticals, pesticides, packaged foods, household products, and environmental pollution. As we have become more exposed to chemical-laden products and to toxic chemicals in food, air, and water, we have been confronted with an accelerating rate of chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, chemical sensitivity, autism spectrum disorders, ADD/AD(H)D, autoimmune disorders, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Because exposure to environmental pollutants has been linked to many chronic diseases GPL-TOX, a toxic non-metal chemical profile that screens for the presence of 173 different toxic chemicals including organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, benzene, xylene, vinyl chloride, pyrethroid insecticides, acrylamide, perchlorate, diphenyl phosphate, ethylene oxide, acrylonitrile, and more. This profile also includes Tiglylglycine (TG), a marker for mitochondrial disorders resulting from mutations of mitochondrial DNA. These mutations can be caused by exposure to toxic chemicals, infections, inflammation, and nutritional deficiencies.
GPL-TOX screens for 173 different environmental pollutants using 18 different metabolites, all from a single urine sample.
GPL-TOX uses the power of advanced mass spectrometry (MS/MS), which is necessary to detect lower levels of certain genetic, mitochondrial, and toxic chemical markers that conventional mass spectrometry often misses.
GPL-TOX also includes Tiglylglycine, a marker for mitochondrial damage, which is often seen in chronic toxic chemical exposure.
GPL-TOX pairs perfectly with our Organic Acids Test (OAT) and our Glyphosate Test in the ENVIROtox Panel. This panel offers you comprehensive testing to assess exposure to common environmental toxins and the damage that can be caused by this exposure, all at a great value, and all from one urine sample.
Mold allergy is an abnormal immune reaction to mold spores or mold cell components. People can be exposed to mold spores or byproducts at work, home or outdoors. Certain occupations have potential for high mold exposure: crop and dairy farming, greenhouse plant husbandry, logging, carpentry, millwork, furniture repair and commercial baking. A high exposure in the home can occur in damp areas such as bathrooms, kitchens and basements. In general, working or living in damp buildings with moisture higher than 50% humidity, increases the possibility of mold exposure. Immune reactions to mold can be identified by the level of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to specific mold species. The most common molds known to cause allergic conditions include Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Penicillium. Use of both tests allow a wider array of molds to be detected.
The Mold IgE Allergy panel includes 12 mold allergens, with markers known to be involved in mold-related illnesses.
Advantages of IgE Mold Allergy Test
IgE Mast Cell Inflammatory Mediators
Identify IgE reactivity level to specific mold species.
Connect immune responses to specific molds.
Suggest history of mold exposure.
Current higher reactivity or potential past lower reactivity.
Helpful for individuals with allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions that may be due to histamine release and other inflammatory mediators resulting from IgE reactivity or other immune reactions.
Link IgE results with mold allergy symptoms, which include cough and postnasal drip, watery eyes, itchy eyes, nose, throat, runny or stuffy nose, or dry, scaly skin. In addition, possibly assist in identifying abnormal reactions to mold, including mold-induced asthma, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, allergic fungal sinusitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and dampness and mold hypersensitivity syndrome (DMHS).
Mycotoxins (toxins from mold) are some of the most prevalent toxins in the environment. Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mold, which can infest buildings, vehicles, and foodstuffs. Most mycotoxin exposures in North America, Europe, and Australia are through airborne exposure. Food may be a major source of mycotoxins in third-world nations that lack government inspection of foods, especially the grains such as rice, corn, wheat, rye, and barley. Many grains that are harvested have been found to be contaminated with mycotoxins but little of such harvests are discarded and are frequently sold for animal feeds such as dog food or feed for cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and horses.
Fungi can grow on almost any surface, especially if the environment is warm and wet. Inner wall materials of buildings, wallpaper, fiber glass insulation, ceiling tiles, and gypsum support are all good surfaces for fungi to colonize. These fungi then release mycotoxins into the environment causing symptoms of many different chronic diseases. Diseases and symptoms linked to mycotoxin exposure include fever, pneumonia-like symptoms, heart disease, rheumatic disease, asthma, sinusitis, cancer, memory loss, vision loss, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, depression, ADHD, anxiety, and liver damage. With the MycoTOX Profile we can identify mycotoxin exposures and make recommendations for detoxification treatments that have been effective.
Advantages of The Mycotox Profile
MycoTOX screens for eleven different mycotoxins, from 40 species of mold, in one urine sample.
MycoTOX is the most comprehensive and competitively priced mycotoxin test available.
MycoTOX uses the power of advanced mass spectrometry (MS/MS), which is necessary to detect lower levels of these fungal toxins. This test is optimal for follow up testing to ensure that detoxification therapies have been successful.
MycoTOX pairs perfectly with the Organic Acids Test (OAT), GPL-TOX (Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile), and the Glyphosate Test. This gives you comprehensive testing to assess exposure to common environmental toxins and the damage that can be caused by this exposure, all at a great value, and all from one urine sample.
Nutritional & Metabolic
The concept of "good" and "bad" cholesterol depends highly on the circumstances of the individual person. Although very high blood serum cholesterol values are associated with heart disease, low values are associated with increased violent behavior, suicide, depression, anxiety, bipolar disease, Parkinson's disease, and increased mortality from cancer.
Cholesterol serves several important roles in metabolism: It is a key constituent of all cell membranes and provides the structural framework for vitamin D, adrenal and sex hormones, and brain myelin, as well as for bile acids which help digest fat and increase absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Most cholesterol is made in the liver and can be synthesized from either fatty acids or glucose. Cholesterol synthesized in the brain is the primary component of the myelin that surrounds each nerve cell as a protective sheath. Loss of myelin inevitably causes neurological damage. Both neurons and glial (support) cells in the central nervous system (CNS) require sufficient amounts of unbound cholesterol as an integral part of their cell membranes. Cholesterol is also essential for the activation of the developmental protein, “Sonic Hedgehog”, which plays a role in cell growth and the shaping of the body in utero, especially the brain and central nervous system
The Advanced Cholesterol Profile to detect if a cholesterol deficiency is present or if levels are elevated. This profile also determines risk factors for vascular disease and/or neurological disease. The Advanced Cholesterol Panel includes the following markers: Total cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-1, apolipoprotein B, Lipoprotein (a), and homocysteine. Lipoproteins are involved in cholesterol, lipid, and vitamin E transport. Each of these markers, indicated in high or low levels, has been associated with a variety of genetic diseases of cholesterol metabolism including SLOS, Tangier’s disease, and abetalipoproteinemia.
The Amino Acids Plasma Test shows the level of amino acids available in the body for building structural, transport, and storage proteins, building immunoglobins, and making enzymes. Amino acids play a role in many other body functions as well, including neurotransmitter functioning, cholesterol and carbohydrate metabolism, and detoxification processes.
Clarification of diagnoses suggested by other testing.
Indications for modifying diet.
Essential/Conditionally indispensible amino acids. Nonessential amino acids. Gastrointestinal markers. Magnesium-dependent markers. B6, B12 & Folate-dependent markers. Detoxification Markers.
Neurological markers. Urea cycle metabolites.
We have a urine test for calcium and magnesium, which can easily be added to our Organic Acids Test, GPL-TOX Profile, and Microbial Organic Acids Test (MOAT) at a discounted price. 10 mL of first morning urine is required. Read below to find out why urine testing for calcium and magnesium is more clinically useful than blood testing.
Calcium is one of the most tightly regulated substances in the body. In addition to the role of calcium as a structural element in bones and teeth (99% of the body’s calcium is in the bones), calcium is critically needed for nerve function. When calcium in the plasma drops about 30%, the person may develop tetany, a condition that is often fatal due to overstimulation of the nerves in both the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, leading to tetanic contraction of the skeletal muscles.
The concentration of calcium in the plasma is one of the most constant laboratory values ever measured. In the great majority of normal people, calcium only varies from 9-11 mg per dL, regardless of the diet. An average adult ingests about 750 mg per day of calcium and secretes about 625 mg of calcium in the intestinal juices. If all the ingested calcium is absorbed, there would be a net absorption of 125 mg per day of calcium. Since the average person excretes about 125 mg calcium per day in the urine, the average person has a zero net calcium balance except when bone is being deposited. If bone is being deposited due to the stress of exercise or following a fracture, the regulation of the amount of urinary calcium excretion is the major factor to allow for bone growth. Since urine is the major controlling element for maintaining calcium balance that is under tight hormonal control, it appears that urine calcium is the best indicator of adequate dietary calcium.
The most common reasons for low urine calcium are inadequate dietary calcium and/or a high oxalate diet. Other reasons for calcium deficiency include hypoparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, nephrosis, nephritis, bone cancer, hypothyroidism, celiac disease, and malabsorption disorders.
Magnesium is an essential element like calcium and is also in the bones (66% of the body’s magnesium is in the bones). It is a cofactor with many enzymatic reactions especially those requiring vitamin B6. Like extremely low calcium, extremely low magnesium can also cause tetany of the muscles. Low magnesium in the diet may also increase the incidence of oxalate crystal formation in the tissues and kidney stones. Early signs of magnesium deficiency include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, migraine headaches, fatigue, and weakness.
The most common reason for high urine magnesium is high magnesium in the diet. Less common causes of high urine magnesium include insulin resistance, alcoholism, diuretic use, primary aldosteronism, hyperthyroidism, vitamin D excess, gentamicin toxicity, and cis-platinum toxicity. Symptoms of marked magnesium excess can include diarrhea, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, facial flushing, retention of urine, ileus, depression, and lethargy.
Excess Homocysteine: A Key Factor in Cardiovascular Disease, Psychiatric Disorders, Cancer, Hip Fractures, and Alzheimer’s Disease
Homocysteine, a non-protein sulfur amino acid, is an intermediate product of the methionine cycle, also called the transsulfuration methylation cycle (Figure 1) that closely links sulfur amino acid metabolism with key methylation reactions. Homocysteine is formed from the catabolism of S-adenosylmethionine or by the conversion of toxic homocysteine thiolactone to homocysteine by paraoxonase 1 (PON1), the same enzyme that detoxifies organophosphate pesticides. The clearance of homocysteine requires the presence of methyltetrahydrofolate, methylcobalamin, betaine, or pyridoxal-5-phosphate. Methylcobalamin is such a powerful methylating co-enzyme that it can methylate homocysteine directly to methionine without an associated enzyme.
The Microbial Organic Acids Test (MOAT) is included in the Organic Acids Test (OAT) and indicates the metabolites produced by yeast and bacteria. Elevated test values are related to yeast or bacterial dysbiosis.
This test reports 21 metabolites (including creatinine) such as markers for beneficial bacteria, harmful bacteria, Clostridia species, Candida species, yeast and fungal metabolites, and general markers of dysbiosis.
The MOAT is ideal for follow-up to the OAT and may be recommended by practitioners looking for a specific abnormality, to monitor certain microbial balances, or to assess treatment efficacy. We strongly recommend the full OAT as the initial screening test.
Many studies have shown that people with higher (vs. lower) omega-3 index levels are at decreased risk for a variety of diseases. These include heart disease, stroke, dementia, and depression to name a few. These people even live longer than those with lower levels. Raising your omega-3 index and keeping it up should help reduce your risk these conditions. Omega-3 fatty acids are found primarily in fish, especially “oily” fish such as those near the top in the accompanying table. The two most important omega-3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA. It should be noted that omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed oil (alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA) will have little to no effect on your omega-3 index. Therefore, ALA is not an effective substitute for EPA and DHA. To make sure your Omega-3 Index remains in the target range you should re-check it every six months.
FATTY ACID BENEFITS (EPA, DHA, GLA). Lowers LDL and increases HDL cholesterol; decreases blood clotting time. Anti-arrhythmic, anti-inflammatory effect that benefits heart tissue. Structural in brain and retinal tissue; improves learning and memory. Critical in fetal and infant development. Improves hyperactivity in children and depression in adults. Treatment for autoimmune disorders, kidney disease, PMS, RA, MS. Improves skin integrity.
Full 24 Fatty Acid Profile, Omega-3 Index, Trans Fat Index, Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio, AA/EPA ratio
The Organic Acids Test (OAT) offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of a patient’s overall health with 76 markers. It provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. Abnormally high levels of these microorganisms can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue and immune function. Many people with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders often excrete several abnormal organic acids in their urine. The cause of these high levels could include oral antibiotic use, high sugar diets, immune deficiencies, acquired infections, as well as genetic factors.
Our Organic Acids Test also includes markers for vitamin and mineral levels, oxidative stress, neurotransmitter levels, and is the only OAT to include markers for oxalates, which are highly correlated with many chronic illnesses.
The Vitamin D Test is a serum or dried blood spot analysis that quantitates 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 metabolites. The metabolite 25-hydroxyvitamin D is the major circulating form of Vitamin D in the body and the best indicator of a patient’s true vitamin status. The major biologic function of Vitamin D is to maintain the normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus involved in bone mineralization. Vitamin D also influences expression of more than 2,000 genes, including those responsible for regulation of cellular proliferation, cell differentiation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis. The immune-modulating effects of Vitamin D are profound, as evidenced by the many conditions that are associated with Vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to increased risk for many common and serious diseases, including some common cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. Deficiency is also prevalent in infants who are solely breastfed and who do not receive Vitamin D supplementation. Adults of all ages who have darker skin (increased skin melanin) or who always wear sun protection or limit their outdoor activities, such as homebound elderly persons, are also prone to Vitamin D deficits.
Studies suggest that exposure to sunlight enhances the production of Vitamin D in the skin and prevents many chronic diseases. Seasonal depression is also linked with low levels of Vitamin D, especially during the winter months when sunlight exposure is at a minimum. Vitamin D can also come from supplementation and diet, but there are very few foods (fatty fish, fish liver oil, and eggs) that naturally contain Vitamin D. Several foods claim to be fortified with Vitamin D, but the synthetic form isn't as potent and doesn't last as long in the body.
The Vitamin D Test can help to determine if sun exposure is adequate, if dietary Vitamin D is sufficient, and to assess the likelihood of malabsorption or liver disease.
Cardiovascular disease including stroke & hypertension
Cancer, especially prostate
Low blood calcium levels
Chronic bone/muscle/joint pain
Periodontal disease
Diabetes type I & II
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis
Other autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis)
Chronic fatigue
Depression & mood disorders
Cognitive impairment in seniors
Birth defects
Patients diagnosed with any of the Vitamin D related diseases (cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, depression, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy, and other others)
Patients with osteoporosis or rickets
Persistent and nonspecific musculoskeletal pain
Signs of depression or lack of energy
Patients with gastrointestinal disease and/or who have had a cholecystectomy
Elderly individuals
Overweight individuals with a BMI >25
Infants that are exclusively breastfed or children without a well-balanced diet
Individuals taking Vitamin D supplementation greater than 50 mcg (2,000 IUs) per day
Individuals that reside above 42 degrees north latitude (a line approximately between the northern border of California and Boston)
Individuals with medium to dark complexions or who do not regularly receive 20 minutes of direct sunlight each day
Stool Tests
The Comprehensive Stool Analysis detects the presence of pathogenic microorganisms such as yeast, parasites, and bacteria that contribute to chronic illness and neurological dysfunction — now with 14 new pathogen markers! It provides helpful information about prescription and natural products effective against specific strains detected in the sample. The test also evaluates beneficial bacteria levels, intestinal immune function, overall intestinal health, and inflammation markers.
Many chronic disorders come from digestive problems and inadequate nutrient absorption. Proper gastrointestinal function is needed to eliminate toxic substances, pathogenic microbes, and undigested food particles from the body to prevent health problems. Nutrients require a specific internal environment to be properly digested and transported throughout the body.
Abnormal intestinal microorganisms in the GI tract are widely known to cause disease. Research shows a relationship between the GI tract and the neurological, hepatic, and immune systems. For example, excessive yeast produces toxic substances that can pass through the blood-brain barrier and alter neurological functioning causing “brain fog,” behavior problems, and learning difficulties.
Parameters for digestion & absorption
Cultures for bacteria and yeast
Parasite testing
Sensitivity panels
Inflammatory markers
Stool metabolic markers
Infectious pathogens
The amount of beneficial bacteria in the GI tract is determined
The digestive parameters aid in the diagnosis of intestinal dysfunction without invasive procedures
Inflammation and immune markers will aid in appropriate treatments
Many different pathogens have the potential to be isolated and identified
Clinical microbiology plays a crucial role in individual and community health. Because most microbes living on or within the body are beneficial, distinguishing those that are disease-producing is critical. Through specimens collected from a variety of body sites and the use of advanced assays and technology, this test determines what microorganisms are present and which may be causing infection. This painstaking approach can help you select the most appropriate antimicrobial therapy and the comprehensive nature of the testing represents real value for your patients and practice. This test can now identify over 1400 species of gastrointestinal organisms, including 170 yeast and fungal species.
The diagnosis and treatment of dysbiosis and yeast overgrowth.
And much more...
We offer numerous combination panels and other tests such as deuterium, mercury, and more. Do not see what you are looking for? Send us an email or call us. We will be happy to help you.
World-class health & wellness services under one roof
For results, you can count on, visit Sparrow. We can help you choose the best option based on your needs. You can also customize your formulation with the guidance of our professional medical team.