E3 really goes above and beyond when it comes to making sure their products are free from toxins, molds, contaminants of many kinds and many sources.
From the moment E3 Lives harvests the AFA, to its final packaging, they work with only the most highly trained and qualified staff. They handle the AFA with such care from start to finish.
Factors contributing to this quality include: where and how they harvest, keeping the AFA cold at all times, superior filtration and storage, and ongoing quality-control testing of all of e3's products. All E3 products are tested thoroughly by independent USDA certified labs for food safety, shelf-life and various other purity tests.
E3 tests for: Listeria, Salmonella, Staph aureus, Yeast/Mold, Coliform/E Coli, Aerobic Plate Count, BMAA, PAH, Microcystin, Anatoxin-a, Saxotoxin, Cylindrospermopsin, and Neurotoxin.
E3 also tests the lake water quarterly for radionuclides, heavy metals and pesticide residue and use the standards and guidelines that are set for drinking water. These include: Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Cadmium. This is done by independent laboratories specializing in food and water quality.